June 9, 2019


I am many years old, I am trying to figure out this thing He calls man.

I dream to much and I don’t hustle enough. They tell me work to work for towers don’t build themselves and all gardens now grow arulladas by the glow of monitors and clicking of keyboards.

I dream to much and I don’t bike enough. Just pedal down and up, and down and up. I look behind making sure the trees I ride past every day are not tired of me yet. I look upwards hoping my tires were were filled with day-dreams and not air, and for a moment they are. I look in where the weather is unpredictable, my private maze of wires and poets. I look around, and it is all there, an encyclopedia bookmarked at busy-mess. I look to my feet … and down and up and down and up. Sin subidas, sin bajadas, just pedal down and pedal up. I look forward…When do I get there?… When do I get where?…

I am trying to figure out this thing that He calls “man”.

On my grandpa passing away

Hola abue subiendo las escaleras….

Jaque mate
no te fijaste en mi caballo

Anda nada no mas no te va a pasar nada … no abue tengo miedo del lado profundo de la piscina

No te acerques tanto a la chimenea, que puse nueva lena pero me gusta ver el fuego abue,

Ven a oir esta musica bonita como se llama abue … Tchaikovsky

Quieres mas higos? bueno abue

Quiero que sepas que yo te aprecio mucho por que me dice eso abue?, yo siempre he sabido que ud me aprecia

Abres en 1,2,3 …. Cierras … 1,2,3 no puedo ver mis dedos, no se que tecla estoy aplastando abue

Has leeido tu biblia?

Alma, mente y espiritu tiene el ser humano, no te olvides de alimentar a las 3 que?, no le entiendo abue…

Alma, mente y espiritu tiene el ser humano es verdad abue

‘Ciertamente el bien y la misericordia me seguiran todos los dias de mi vida y en la casa del Seno morare por largos dias’ Descansa en paz abue

Entre suenos te pense, y dos veces dude mientras la gente ocupada murmura quien es tal criatura

© Esteban Ginez 2020